Animals in War

Animals in War
They had no choice.

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Throughout history, animals have played significant roles in warfare, serving various functions on the battlefield. Horses, perhaps the most iconic war animals, were essential for cavalry charges, reconnaissance, and transporting soldiers and supplies. Elephants, employed by ancient civilizations like the Carthaginians and Indians, struck fear into the hearts of opponents with their size and strength. Dogs were utilized for their loyalty and keen senses, often employed as messengers, guards, or even in combat roles. Pigeons were employed for communication, carrying messages across enemy lines. War elephants were employed in ancient battles, such as Hannibal's use of them in the Second Punic War. While technological advancements have largely replaced animals in modern warfare, their historical contributions remain a testament to the diverse roles they played on the battlefield.

They were never given the choice. We honour them by remembering them. We wear the purple poppy as a symbol of that remembrance.